The Centre was founded in 2002. It developed from the counselling centre which was opened by the French organization Handicap International in September 2000.
It provides personal assistance service and peer support, mediates for people’s interests in the fields of education and employment, carries out researches and co-publish in the domain of the independent living, equality in the public speech, education…
The Programme for the Equality of disabled persons in public speech includes research and publishing work in the field of disability, representation of disabled people in the media and encouragement and piloting of support services that do not exist in Novi Sad. We have initiated the service of organized transport; in July 2009 we have launched the service of personal assistants; we also mediate in providing support in education and employment.
The predominant activity of the Centre is the production of media and film material about the position of disabled people and human rights. From the peer education in the field of disability, protection of rights and health of youth, youth work and training for developing different skills, in 2010 originated the experiential and peer counselling for children and young persons with disabilities, their parents and caretakers.
Between 2007 and 2010 the team for accessibility initiated eleven local action plans and/or strategies for accessibility in Vojvodina, organized international conferences towards building an environment accessible to all; about accessible tourism; co-organized several conferences about accessible traffic, accessible work places and processes. Within this programme the following have been translated and published: European Concept of Accessibility 2003, 2008 and 2013, International Best Practices in Universal Design; the team took part in the design of several national and international documents and working bodies, and was part of the European Concept for Accessibility Network from Luxembourg, EIDD (Design for all Europe) founded in Dublin and the Foundation Design for All from Barcelona.